This is another function I wrote to access the MET office API and obtain a 5-day ahead weather forecast:
The API key can be obtained for free at this link:
Once we have an API key we can simply insert the station ID and the type of product we want to obtain the forecast. We can select between two products: daily and 3hourly
To obtain the station ID we need to use another query and download an XML with all stations names and ID:
This will save an XML, which we can then open with a txt editor (e.g. Notepad++).
The function can be used as follows:
It will return a list with 3 elements:
METDataDownload <- function(stationID, product, key){ library("RJSONIO") #Load Library library("plyr") library("dplyr") library("lubridate") connectStr <- paste0("",stationID,"?res=",product,"&key=",key) con <- url(connectStr) data.json <- fromJSON(paste(readLines(con), collapse="")) close(con) #Station LocID <- data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$`i` LocName <- data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$name Country <- data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$country Lat <- data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$lat Lon <- data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$lon Elev <- data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$elevation Details <- data.frame(LocationID = LocID, LocationName = LocName, Country = Country, Lon = Lon, Lat = Lat, Elevation = Elev) #Parameters param <-"rbind",data.json$SiteRep$Wx$Param) #Forecast if(product == "daily"){ dates <- unlist(lapply(data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$Period, function(x){x$value})) DayForecast <-"rbind", lapply(data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$Period, function(x){x$Rep[[1]]})) NightForecast <-"rbind", lapply(data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$Period, function(x){x$Rep[[2]]})) colnames(DayForecast)[ncol(DayForecast)] <- "Type" colnames(NightForecast)[ncol(NightForecast)] <- "Type" ForecastDF <- plyr::rbind.fill.matrix(DayForecast, NightForecast) %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(Date = as.Date(rep(dates, 2))) %>% mutate(Gn = as.numeric(Gn), Hn = as.numeric(Hn), PPd = as.numeric(PPd), S = as.numeric(S), Dm = as.numeric(Dm), FDm = as.numeric(FDm), W = as.numeric(W), U = as.numeric(U), Gm = as.numeric(Gm), Hm = as.numeric(Hm), PPn = as.numeric(PPn), Nm = as.numeric(Nm), FNm = as.numeric(FNm)) } else { dates <- unlist(lapply(data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$Period, function(x){x$value})) Forecast <-"rbind", lapply(lapply(data.json$SiteRep$DV$Location$Period, function(x){x$Rep}), function(x){"rbind",x)})) colnames(Forecast)[ncol(Forecast)] <- "Hour" DateTimes <- seq(ymd_hms(paste0(as.Date(dates[1])," 00:00:00")),ymd_hms(paste0(as.Date(dates[length(dates)])," 21:00:00")), "3 hours") if(nrow(Forecast)<length(DateTimes)){ extra_lines <- length(DateTimes)-nrow(Forecast) for(i in 1:extra_lines){ Forecast <- rbind(rep("0", ncol(Forecast)), Forecast) } } ForecastDF <- Forecast %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(Hour = DateTimes) %>% filter(D != "0") %>% mutate(F = as.numeric(F), G = as.numeric(G), H = as.numeric(H), Pp = as.numeric(Pp), S = as.numeric(S), T = as.numeric(T), U = as.numeric(U), W = as.numeric(W)) } list(Details, param, ForecastDF) }
The API key can be obtained for free at this link:
Once we have an API key we can simply insert the station ID and the type of product we want to obtain the forecast. We can select between two products: daily and 3hourly
To obtain the station ID we need to use another query and download an XML with all stations names and ID:
library(xml2) url = paste0("",key) XML_StationList <- read_xml(url) write_xml(XML_StationList, "StationList.xml")
This will save an XML, which we can then open with a txt editor (e.g. Notepad++).
The function can be used as follows:
METDataDownload(stationID=3081, product="daily", key)
It will return a list with 3 elements:
- Station info: Name, ID, Lon, Lat, Elevation
- Parameter explanation
- Weather forecast: tibble format
I have not tested it much, so if you find any bug you are welcome to tweak it on GitHub: